Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Introducing two new features—the Quick Donation Embed and the Donation Flag!
The Quick Donation Embed allows nonprofit users to embed a streamlined version of our Embedded Donation Form specifically for the purpose of quickly enabling anyone to donate to your nonprofit. The Quick Donation Embed can be placed on a website and configured for one-time donation, with a specific frequency, and with a suggested donation amount.

The Donation flag allows nonprofit users to create a persistent flag that can sit on any website that can redirect a donor to the donation page. The Donation flag is the first of a new component called “Elements.” Elements are components that provide the ability to showcase information from the CharityStack platform for specific use cases. Elements can be used in either in marketing material or embedded on your website.

If you ever need help setting up and embeds or elements, please reach out to your CharityStack representative!
To learn how to set up the Quick Donate Embed and Donation Flag, check out our support articles here:
Introducing our new Crowdfunding form! The Crowdfunding form is similar to the Standard form in most functionalities, however, it differs in one key capability. The ability to define a title and description for the Amount Buttons.

In order to create a Crowdfunding Form, navigate to CharityStack Dashboard, click the “Create” button at the top, and select the “Embedded Form” option. Once the side menu appears, you’ll now be able to select “Crowdfunding” under the “Form Type” section and begin customizing your form.

The Crowdfunding form allows the donor to select a specific amount that may correspond to a particular impact metric or gift. A nonprofit user can only enable up to 4 amount buttons with a Title and Description.
If you ever need help setting up your Embedded Form, please reach out to your CharityStack representative!
To learn how to set up the Embedded Form, check out our support article link here:
Introducing CharityStack's Checkout and Embeds!
Checkout is a composable form that allows users to enable donations anywhere on their website and consolidate the payment experience across all use cases. Checkout allows nonprofits to accept payments from any of the embeds that CharityStack provides.
Embeds are a new way to place different fundraising components on your website, that is more centered around your brand, faster at load, and built with your custom website experience in mind.
What is Checkout?
Checkout is a pop-up form that is embedded on your website that allows you to accept payments anywhere on your website.
Checkout is composed of two pages on the left and right sides.
The left side consists of:
- A summary of the donation
- The ability to add additional details to your donations such as company matching or scheduling the donation.
The right side consists of:
- The ability to checkout with common payments wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay that will extract all donor information from a single click, significantly streamlining donation conversion time.
- The ability to pay via Credit Card or Bank Transfer from a simple form input

Checkout will be a pop-up form that will work with our new Embeds product and can be initiated from any part of your website. In the next few weeks, we will be introducing new Embeds that you're able to place on your website that can initiate Checkout from anywhere on your website.

What are Embeds?
Embeds will be replacing the current donation form. CharityStack will be moving away from embedding donation forms via an iFrame in favor of embedding components directly on your website. Currently, the only Embed that is available is the Donation Form. However, in the next few weeks, we'll be releasing the following Embeds:
- Crowdfunding Form
- Quick Donate
- Donation Flag
- Fundraising Bar
- Top Donors List
- Recent Donors List
- QR Codes
- Events
- Appointments
- Classes

How do Embeds and Checkout work together?
With Embeds, you're able to place a more streamlined form or multiple forms anywhere on your website that will initiate a Checkout overlay anywhere on your website. In the future, when we release new Embeds, you'll be able to place these components anywhere on your website while maintaining a consolidated payment experience.

With this new approach our donation forms now:
- Load significantly faster
- Provide a more branded experience
- Allow more of a consolidated payment experience for new embeds in the future
In the next few weeks, a CharityStack representative will be contacting you to replace your current donation form with our new Embed donation form that is compatible with Checkout.
To learn how to set up Checkout and Embeds today, check out our support article link here:
Donation Matching & Double the Donation

Nonprofits can now enable our Double the Donation integration in order to seamlessly enable company matching onto our platform. When a donor inputs their employer on our form, they will be given an email after they donate to match their donation on their employee giving platform.
Custom Option Fields

Nonprofits can now add custom input fields to their donation forms in order to garner more information from their donors when they make a donation.
Multiple Recurring Options

Previously on CharityStack, donors were only able to donate only One-Time and Monthly. Now, donors are able to donate Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Annually now. Nonprofits will be able to enable multiple recurring options on the dashboard.
For more information, visit

About CharityStack:
CharityStack is an AI-Powered fundraising, CRM, and engagement platform that aims to completely automate any back-office work that nonprofits have to do. The vision for CharityStack is to eliminate operational overhead so that nonprofits can completely focus on solving the world's toughest problems.
CharityStack has three specific product areas.
- Fundraising:Products specifically built to easily accept donations from any medium.
- CRM:Products specifically built to better organized donor data with AI-powered analytics.
- Engagement:Products specifically built to automate the donor relationship process through generative AI.
Current Products:

Embedded Donation Form:
A checkout form that nonprofits are able to accept donations on their website. Features include:- Donor Information Inputs
- Recurring Donations
- Default Donation Amounts
- Fund Selection
- Scheduled recurring donation end
- Covering Fees
- Credit Card
- Google Pay
- Apple Pay
- Instant Bank Transfer via Plaid

Nonprofit Dashboard:
An internal site for the nonprofit to easily analyze their fundraising and donor data. Features include:- Pages dedicated to Donations, Donors, Funds, Forms, & Payouts
- Filtering data
- Exporting data to a CSV
- Creating/Editing unlimited donation forms
- Creating/Editing tax-receipt email templates
- Connecting 3rd part integrations

Donor Portal:
An external site for the donor to easily see how much they've donated and adjust their recurring donation. Features include:- Secured magic link sign-on
- View of the total donation amount
- View of donor information
- Updating donation amount
- Updating the next charge date
- Updating designated fund
- Canceling recurring donation
- Updating payment method